Pine Ridge-our History and Core Beliefs


Pine Ridge Baptist Church was founded in 1975. Pastor Bob Goddard is the Pastor of Pine Ridge Baptist Church since 2022.

What We Believe

Bible – Authored by God, penned by people, containing truth and is trustworthy, as the ultimate source of truth and direction, reveals God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ.

God – Creator of the material universe as revealed in the Bible, love, holy, powerful, providing salvation, direction, sanctification, guiding the pathways of life for humanity and the individual.

Humans – Created by God to be male and female, created in the image of God and provided salvation through God, given free will and chose to sin which changed the nature of the world to include a sin nature in man.

Salvation – God’s holiness does not tolerate sin to be in His presence. Therefore, because of His great love for humankind, God provided salvation through His only begotten Son Jesus the Christ; the perfect and unblemished sacrifice.  Christ took upon Himself the punishment for all human sin so that all may be saved  by repenting or turning toward doing what is right as defined by God and accepting the payment for sin made by Jesus. Salvation in a person’s life is shown by acknowledging that Jesus was born on earth, lived until executed by crucifixion, buried after dying, rose from the grave resurrected and ascended to be on the right hand of God the Father. Evidence of salvation includes a life following God and acting on His direction. Everyone can be saved!

Believers – Those saved will follow God and act on His direction without denouncing their faith in God. Believers are adopted into the family of God as daughters and sons as well as appointed ambassadors of Christ.

Church – A group of saved believers operating under the Lordship of Christ with earthly leadership in the form of a pastor and often deacons.

Ordinances – Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer that is testifying of their belief in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s Supper is an observance commanded by Christ in remembrance of Him.

Missions – It is the duty and privilege of every Christian to spread the message of salvation to people saved and discipled locally and all throughout the world

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